Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where is the integration between content management and web analytics applications?

We've moved. Please visit us at

One of the problems which Marketing for Mavens tries to solve is that most sites use some kind of content management system and a separate web analytics application and neither of them talk to one another.

Every day your content management system pushes out the same content to the same people and it doesn't know whether that person has visited your site in the past or what they were looking for. Instead, web marketers are left looking at reports on a monthly basis and then trying to configure the site content accordingly. This response is far too slow and you're reacting to the masses and not individual visitors.

Marketing for Mavens helps to solve this problem by tagging you're visitors based on the web pages they view. It then knows each visitors interests and can push the appropriate promotions and content to them in real time based on these interests. Now your site can be personalized to your visitors without them having to register for your site. This is important as you can now target your content and messages to only the visitors interested in seeing it. If you are interested in seeing how Marketing for Mavens can help you to manage your web content and promotions and deliver them to targeted visitors, please check our our short demo video and join or beta program.

Added Time Zone Preferences

Today, a new time zone option was added to the dashboard. In the past, all of the statistics were returned in UTC time. Now each user can select their time zone and have the statistics display in their local time.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Giving back to the web community

Today, I've been working on a little side project. This idea popped into my head during lunch and I feel compelled to act upon it. Over the years, I've received a lot of help from web community. Whether it's support for a particular product or learning a new programming language, I couldn't imagine having the success I've had without someone answering these questions or showing the steps necessary to solve various problems.

It is for this reason that I've decided to devote an hour of each day to answering one person's web marketing questions. The questions can be from a wide range of topics including coding, web design, development, SEO, paid advertising, database design. No questions is too dumb and I welcome questions from those who have no clue about the web but find it fascinating or need help getting started. I don't pretend to have all the answers but I can, more often than not, point you in the right direction.

Of course this is free and in return I want nothing other than for you try to pass the knowledge along or help others as best you can. This is my opportunity to pay forward all the help that people have given me in the past. If you're interested please fill out the form at

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Taking Twhirl for a Whirl

Sorry for the title but I couldn't help myself. I just started giving Twhirl a test drive. Here are some first impressions:
  • I love that I can keep up with both Twitter and FriendFeed using the same application but I wish they were integrated into the same window
  • There is something about the text that makes it tough to read. I tried changing fonts and colors but I'll have to experiment some more. It might be the line spacing
  • I like the Growl like notifications
  • Nice built-in search and shorten url more heading off to tinyurl to post a tweet
I'm going to use this as my primary Twitter client for the next week or so and see if I get the urge to go back to Twitterrific.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Beta Now Open to Everyone

Today, we opened the beta to all new registrations. If you would like to participate in the beta, please register now and you can begin promoting targeted web content on your site in just a few minutes.

For those that choose to participate in the beta, please keep in mind:

Bug and Issue Tracking

As a member of the beta, it is your responsibility to make Marketing for Mavens aware of any issues or bugs you find while using our products. Please post these issues to our forum at When logging a bug, please post as much detail as possible including time of day, screenshots, browser version, and any other information that can help us narrow down the problem.


If you need assistance with your account, please contact us at

Additional Resources
Beta Agreement and Privacy

Friday, July 18, 2008

Web Site Visitors: Tag and Learn

One of the side benefits of using Marketing for Mavens is learning what topics (tags) your visitors are interested in and how they relate to other topics. For example, you can tag all of your web pages with keywords associated with your content, as each visitor navigates your site, a list of tags become associated with them. Through this relationship you begin get a different level of insight into how your individual pages relate to one another. Unfortunately, right now, most of this analysis must be done by hand. I'm trying to come up with a better way to show this relationship in a report which would remove a lot of complexity. Either way it give a unique view into your visitors and your site that I believe you'll find valuable.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Update: Limited Beta

The limited beta has been live for a week now and the first round of invites has gone out. We're keeping the number of invites to a minimum to ensure the best service possible for our beta group. Over the next few weeks, the number of invites will increase so if you would like to take part in the beta, please submit your email address at or use the form on the right.