Monday, July 28, 2008

Giving back to the web community

Today, I've been working on a little side project. This idea popped into my head during lunch and I feel compelled to act upon it. Over the years, I've received a lot of help from web community. Whether it's support for a particular product or learning a new programming language, I couldn't imagine having the success I've had without someone answering these questions or showing the steps necessary to solve various problems.

It is for this reason that I've decided to devote an hour of each day to answering one person's web marketing questions. The questions can be from a wide range of topics including coding, web design, development, SEO, paid advertising, database design. No questions is too dumb and I welcome questions from those who have no clue about the web but find it fascinating or need help getting started. I don't pretend to have all the answers but I can, more often than not, point you in the right direction.

Of course this is free and in return I want nothing other than for you try to pass the knowledge along or help others as best you can. This is my opportunity to pay forward all the help that people have given me in the past. If you're interested please fill out the form at

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